Hybrid Work is Here to Stay, So We Built A Tool to Help

Young adults participating in hybrid learning, sharing their time between in-person classes and studying online from home, EPS 8 vector illustration

Three years into the pandemic, it’s clear that hybrid working is here to stay.

The arrival of COVID accelerated the shift towards remote work, with many companies having to quickly adapt to online-only operations. However, years later, a backflip to the office environments of old has never quite materialised. Employees now expect flexibility, and as such many companies are looking for ways to combine the benefits of both remote and in-person work.

Hybrid working offers huge opportunities to businesses willing to strategically shift the way they operate. By flexing to accommodate employees’ desired work patterns, it optimises their productivity. It also offers employers the opportunity to increase the diversity of their teams, with a hybrid model often being most suitable for marginalised groups in the workforce, such as primary carers and disabled workers. Employees who are trusted with managing their work around their personal circumstances often have higher job satisfaction and a better work-life balance.

Hybrid working also allows for collaboration and communication between employees. In a remote-only model, it can be difficult to foster this between and amongst teams.  However, when employees can meet in person on a regular basis too, this can help to build stronger relationships and improve team dynamics, without sacrificing valuable deep work time often found when working alone. 

However, one of the biggest hurdles employers face is maintaining engagement when workers are remote.  Managers need to work hard to foster a sense of community and to ensure that the technology and infrastructure are in place to support hybrid working. As well as traditional tools such as video conferencing and project management software, Interchange has developed a tool to help leaders more effectively structure hybrid work. It works by understanding which tasks are undertaken in which environments and suggests changes to configure optimum working conditions. 

Hybrid working combines the best of both worlds. Although most organisations recognise this, few have it nailed. With the right approach and diagnostic tools, companies can make a hybrid model work for them, satisfying employees and edging out competitors in the COVID-normal landscape.

Learn more about Interchange’s Hybrid Working Tool and get in touch to request your trial today


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