Leading from the Head Down: An Executive Coaching Case Study

We believe that great leaders are made, not born. In fact, the greatest leaders know what they don’t know, and actively seek out opportunities to grow.

 This case study delves into the transformative impact of executive coaching, particularly in fostering personal growth and development that translates into more effective leadership.


The Challenge

Coaching is a crucial component in the development of effective individuals and leaders. In the sporting world, athletes who work with coaches and psychologists to enhance performance and achieve consistent sporting success are openly celebrated. Yet, executive coaching remains underutilised and often unspoken in the corporate world. We talk more on this in our Best Behaviour Podcast, with Bunnings CEO, Michael Schneider.  


Working with a professional coach is the key to being at the top of your game. I just wish it was publicly celebrated in the corporate world, when in fact it seems to be hidden. Leaders tend not to discuss their executive coaching, like it’s an embarrassing admission. I don’t understand it, when solidifying the “why” for a leader can only benefit the individual and the business.

Chris Gabardi,
Interchange Coach


At Interchange, we work with executive teams as the foundation for leadership development. We believe in leading from the head down. Coaching provides leaders with the support they need to enhance their skills, build confidence, and navigate complex challenges. Interchange partners with executive teams, guiding them through personalised coaching that empowers them to unlock their full potential and lead their teams with greater effectiveness and resilience. 

leading from the head down

The Solution


Our coaching approach is personalised and adaptable, ensuring that leaders gain the maximum benefit from their coaching experience. We prioritise a strong personal connection and deep understanding with our clients, allowing us to build the rapport necessary to respectfully challenge and motivate them to strive for their best selves. Our multi-faceted coaching strategy focuses on both task and relationship management, and this approach involves: 

Individual Coaching Sessions
Each executive participates in one-on-one coaching sessions aimed at challenging their mindset and improving their effectiveness. These sessions encourage executives to:  

  • Articulate their goals clearly and reflect on their actions and decisions.
  • Balance task and relationship management.

Cultural Diagnostic
A preliminary cultural assessment is performed to
identify existing issues and areas for improvement. This diagnostic phase helps in tailoring the coaching interventions to address specific challenges within the organisation.

Continuous Feedback Loop
A system of regular feedback and review ensures that the executives can track their progress and make necessary adjustments to their strategies. 



During the coaching sessions, individuals are encouraged to explore several key areas: 

Mindset Shifts
Our coaches work with executives to shift their mindset from a fixed to a growth orientation. This includes respectfully challenging their existing beliefs, asking why and encouraging openness to innovation. 

Effective Communication
We emphasise improving communication skills, both within the executive team and across the organisation.

Goal Setting and Achievement
Executives are guided in setting realistic and measurable goals, aligned to frameworks such as the GROW model. The coaching process helps them break down these goals into actionable steps, ensuring they track and celebrate progress. 

GROW Model (4)

The Results

Our Executive coaching interventions lead to several notable outcomes: 

Enhanced Leadership Effectiveness: Executives report a significant improvement in their ability to lead and inspire their teams. They become more adept at balancing task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership. 

Improved Organisational Culture: The cultural shift takes root as executives model desired behaviours. This has a cascading effect, positively influencing the broader organisational culture. 

Increased Engagement and Productivity: Employee engagement and productivity improves. Teams become more collaborative, and inter-departmental communication significantly improves. 

Personal Growth: Beyond professional benefits, we relish the times executives report back that the skills and insights gained through coaching had a positive impact on their personal lives. Not only are we coaching these executives to become better leaders, but we are coaching them to become better versions of themselves. The personal growth often fostered in these coaching programs, allows participants to improve their external relationships and overall well-being. 


The really tangible side of what executive development coaching can achieve is not just being a better leader at work, it means you go home and are a better partner, better parent or better friend – you are able to be a better person in this world. Coaching has flow on implications that are incredibly significant.

Chris Gabardi, 
Interchange Coach


By emphasising mindset shifts, effective communication, and goal-oriented strategies, Interchange empowers executive teams to unlock their full leadership potential.Executive coaching not only enhances leadership effectiveness but also opens up new possibilities for personal and organisational growth, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout the organisation. 

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